Legal Notice

This online sales site for parapharmaceutical products is a service offered and managed by the
SELARL Côte d'Azur Pharmacy whose head office is located at 14 rue de France, 06000 Nice, FRANCE.
Its SIRET number: 48744360800012
More information about the pharmacy on

You can contact us using the contact form on the site:

No medication will be present on the site.
Please note: the aesthetic injections on the site are reserved for the exclusive use of doctors authorized to perform them.

Name of the person responsible for the site: C. Roussel


(to avoid losing your emails in spam, please use the contact form on the site).

To request the deletion of your personal data, according to the GDPR law, please make the request via the contact form.

The technical hosting of the Site is provided by the company OVH, a simplified joint stock company, with capital of 500,000 euros, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Roubaix-Tourcoing, under number B 424 761 419, whose head office is located at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

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