Privacy policy

Our original privacy policy is available in French HERE.

The following text is the translation, but it may contain errors. Updated privacy policy of the European regulation on the protection of personal data (RGPD) entered into force on May 25, 2018. You can view and correct your personal data in your customer account.
In the "My personal data" tab, you can export your personal data in PDF and CSV format.
To request the correction or deletion of your customer data, please contact us via the contact form:
Your data will be deleted within one month.
The personal data of people who have not been connected to the site for three years will be erased, excluding validated orders.
The website uses the following cookies:
Facebook Impressions
Facebook Connect
Facebook Social Plugins. This navigation data collected by Facebook transits outside the EU and is harvested to propose to "like" the Facebook page of the site. By clicking "I accept" on the banner at the bottom of the site, you agree to continue browsing with these cookies.During the consultation of the site, cookies are deposited on your computer, your tablet or your smartphone. The information below gives you a better understanding of how cookies work and how to use the current tools to set them up. The use of cookies is common on the Internet. A cookie is a small text file containing information, which is stored on the hard drive of your terminal (eg computer, tablet or mobile phone) during the consultation of a website through your browser software. It is transmitted by the server of a website to your browser. The cookie file allows its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is registered during the period of validity or registration of the cookie concerned. A cookie does not allow to go back to a natural person.
1. Functionality cookies
These cookies are not essential for the navigation on our site but allow to optimize the functioning of our site and to give you access to specific functionalities.
They also allow you to adapt the layout of our site to the display preferences of your device.
These cookies allow you to have a smooth and customized navigation.
Placing cookies on your device is the easiest and fastest way to personalize and enhance your user experience.
2. Audience measurement cookies (statistics)
These cookies collect information about how visitors use a website. For example, the number of visits, the most visited pages ...
Our site contains links to Facebook, Twitter and other similar social networks, which allow you to share content on our site with others. When you use these share buttons, a third-party cookie is installed. If you are connected to the social network during your navigation on our site, the buttons of sharing make it possible to connect the contents consulted to your user account.
4. Targeted or advertising cookies
These cookies collect information about your Internet browsing habits in order to offer you advertisements that are adapted to you and correspond to your interests. They also limit the number of times you see an ad and help us evaluate the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. They are usually installed by advertising networks with the permission of the operator of the website. They memorize the visits made on a site and share this information with other companies (advertisers for example). Targeted or advertising cookies are often linked to the site features provided by the partner company.
The information is collected and shared with third parties to provide audience targeting and optimization solutions for advertisers and publishers. No personal data is collected and an individual can not be identified via the collected data.
Several options are available to manage cookies. Any setting you may undertake may change your Internet browsing and your access to certain services that require the use of Cookies.
You can make the choice at any time to express and modify your wishes in terms of cookies, by the means described below.
1. Setting your browser
For Chrome:
For Internet Explorer :
For Opera
2. Opt-out links for audience measurement cookies (statistics)
For cookies deposited by Xiti (AT Internet)
3. Sharing cookies (social links)
For cookies posted by Facebook
For cookies posted by Twitter
Cookie management on interprofessional platforms
You can connect to the site Youronlinechoices, proposed by the advertising professionals
grouped together within the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) and
managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France. You will be able to know the companies registered to this platform and which offer you the possibility of refusing or accepting the cookies they use to adapt, to your browsing information, the advertisements that may be displayed on your terminal: http: // www. This European platform is shared by hundreds of advertising professionals on the Internet and is a centralized interface allowing you to express your refusal or your acceptance of cookies as below. This procedure will not prevent the display of advertisements on the websites you visit. It will only block technologies that allow you to tailor ads to your interests.
For more information on cookies, you can go to the CNIL website at this address: Depending on the browser, extensions allow you to block any advertising or sneak. This is for example the case of Adblock or AdGuard AdBlocker, Ghostery ...


1 - What the law says

to one or more elements of its own. In order to determine whether a person is identifiable, all the means must be considered in order to enable his identification which is available to or to which the controller or any other person may have access.

For the CNIL (National Commission for Informatics and Liberties), the data are thus "personal" insofar as they allow to identify a physical person directly or indirectly - name, phone number, e-mail addresses and postal, date of birth, health information but also photography, IP address, GPS coordinates, health information can be considered as personal data if they allow, by crosschecking, to identify a person.
Article 17 of the RGPD states that "the data subject has the right to obtain from the data controller the erasure, as soon as possible, of personal data concerning him". The right of access to data, meanwhile, allows an individual to obtain all the data concerning him (active base and archives) 2- Deleting your personal data:
You can view and correct your personal data in your customer account.
In the "My personal data" tab, you can export your personal data in PDF and CSV format.
To request the correction or deletion of your customer data, please contact us via the contact form:
Your data will be deleted within one month.
The personal data of people who have not been connected to the site for three years will be erased, excluding validated orders. Our Security and Privacy Policy: The website collects the following data:
Surname, first name, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number, delivery and billing addresses, VAT number, legal and payment information required to bill, settle disputes, manage accounting, pages viewed, address IP, baskets created, orders made.
We keep a record of your exchanges with us in the After Sales Service and by email to ensure a follow-up of the customer relationship. Your consent to the collection of your personal data is requested several times:
- The banner at the bottom of the site to accept cookies.
- When placing an order, you are asked to check "I accept the Terms and Conditions".
- You can tick a box "I agree to receive the newsletter".
Who can access your personal data:

The data protection officer is Miss Célia Roussel, creator of the website and webmaster of SELARL Côte d'Azur Pharmacy, 14 rue de France, 06000 Nice, FRANCE.
In the case where the spaces "My personal information" and "Personal Data" contained in the customer service to request the removal and deletion of personal data via the contact form do not meet your expectations, you can contact us at to request removal or rectification.

The France-Health Pharmacy Service has access to the customer database to respond to messages, to ensure the preparation and dispatch of packages. The server on which the site is stored is secure and up to standard. The host has access to the content to make backups.
The storage and the backup of the data of the site take place only in France.
The technical hosting of the Site is provided by OVH, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 500,000 euros, registered in the Roubaix-Tourcoing Trade and Companies Register, under number B 424 761 419, whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France. We ensure a strict management of the authorizations traceability of access by the persons authorized to access the site, the security of the network and exchanges with third parties.
The website is declared to the CNIL by the SELARL Côte d'Azur Pharmacy: declarations n ° 1617971 v 0 and 163880 v 0 In case you have ticked the box "I agree to receive the newsletter", you can cancel this acceptance at any time in the "Newsletter" tab of your customer account.
This Privacy and Security Policy may be translated. In case of dispute, only the French text will prevail. In the event that the legislation changes, this Privacy Policy may be modified. Your personal data are not transmitted for advertising purposes. We have no advertising partners and do not transmit your browsing data.
The only data shared are the data collected by Facebook if you visit our site while connected to your Facebook account, to offer you to "like" the Facebook page of the site, on the homepage.
For any complaint concerning the use of your personal data on the site, you can open a complaint with the following authority: 75334 PARIS CEDEX">CNIL Commission Nationale de L'Informatique et des Libertés 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX